Location: Uttlesford District Council
Size: 39 hectares (96 acres)
- Sworders have been instructed by the landowners since early 2010 to monitor the planning opportunity in Uttlesford District and provide advice accordingly throughout the process.
- Sworders submitted representations through the Council’s Local Plan Call for Sites process in June 2015 and again to the Issues and Options Consultation in October 2015. Third party technical reports were prepared to support the submission.
- The Council published their draft Regulation 18 (preferred options) Local Plan in Summer 2017 and this did not allocate the site at Takeley.
- Takeley was categorised as a Key Village, a settlement offering a range of facilities, thus deemed suitable for some scale of development.
- Additionally, the Council confirmed it could no longer demonstrate a five year supply of housing.
- Upon Sworders advice, in 2017 we marketed the site to secure a promoter to fund and promote the site through the Local Plan process and utilise the five year supply opportunity.
- The landowners entered in to a Promotion Agreement with Endurance Estates in Summer 2018, who swiftly prepared a planning application and third party technical work for Phase 1 of the site.
- Endurance Estates secured planning consent at appeal in January 2020 for up to 119 dwellings on 9.52 (23.52 acres), along with land for development of a care home (use class C2) with up to 66 bed spaces on 0.72 ha (1.78 acres).
- Sworders marketed Phase 1 of the site on behalf of the landowners, which sold to Stonebond Properties in November 2021. The necessary rights and reservations were included within the sale contract of Phase 1 to allow access and services to the landowners’ retained land for potential future development at a later date.
- Sworders continued to monitor the planning position with the Promoter on behalf of the landowners.
- In light of the housing shortfall across the District and the planning opportunity, the Promoter subsequently prepared and submitted planning applications for Phase 2 and 3 of the site.
- Planning permission was secured by committee in Summer 2022 for up to 155 dwellings and up to 88 dwellings, respectively.
- Sworders, along with the Promoter are currently marketing Phase 2 and 3 of the residential sites for sale on behalf of the landowner.
- The Care Home site is currently proceeding through legals and is sold subject to contract.