Change of Use
Change of use can be complex and can encapsulate a wide range of planning work. It is an area with which Sworders deal regularly.
Planning permission is required when any form of development occurs (unless it falls within Permitted Development legislation) and this includes when the use of land or buildings change.
It is important to understand that whenever a use changes from an agricultural use to another use it is likely to require planning consent (although an exception is that it may have express Permitted Development rights). A simple example of this is a barn which has been used for the storage of agricultural machinery for many years but if the machinery stored in the building changes to machinery used in connection with, for example, a ground works company, this will require a change of use planning application.
The change of use of land may also give rise to the need for planning consent. For example, if agricultural land is used for a golf course, this would be considered as a change of use and therefore require planning consent.
The change of use of land and buildings can also trigger enforcement issues if planning permission has not been obtained and the use of land and buildings has changed over time.
Sworders can assist in preparing and submitting Change of Use planning applications for all types of development.
If you have any issues with enforcement please contact us.