Masterplanning the layout of a development site is a specialist field bringing together a number of disciplines. A masterplan puts in place a design strategy that takes into account a wide range of site specific constraints and opportunities and is a fundamental element of the planning application process on both Greenfield and Brownfield sites. Masterplans set out proposals for the built form and the spaces between and how they can be combined in a three dimensional way to create a successful built environment. They typically consider the density and mix of development as well as the balance and layout of land use and scale, taking into account neighbour amenity, important views, heritage assets, landscape impact, ecology, flooding, drainage, topography and access.
Sworders’ expert team comprises surveyors, planners and architects who work closely together to ensure that masterplans are design led and policy compliant, deliverable in terms of title and other legal issues whilst maintaining the aim of reasonably maximising value and providing an aesthetically attractive end product.
The team at Sworders provide in-house masterplanning for smaller schemes (generally under one thousand dwellings) but also play an important role in monitoring many much larger schemes to ensure that the professional teams appointed by promoters (usually ones that Sworders has put in place on behalf of land owning clients) are developing the site in a manner that best achieves the client’s objectives.
If you have a site that may have development potential, Sworders has the expertise to support your proposal through the full process; from assessing potential, completing a masterplan, securing planning consent, right through to sale to a developer.
As a firm we do not act for house builders on strategic land matters so are independent in our advice, ensuring that we maximise opportunities and value for our clients.