Landmark Agriculture Bill Becomes Law
The Government’s Landmark Agriculture Bill passed into UK law on 11 November, and will provide a boost to the industry. The Bill will provide funds to farmers and landowners to provide public goods, such as improved water quality, flood reduction and soil health, and the Government state that the bill will help farmers stay competitive, increase productivity, invest in new technology and seek a fairer return from the marketplace.
A seven year transition period will begin in 2021, with further details being announced in late November. The new Environmental Land Management Scheme will replace the Basic Payment Scheme and reward farmers for public benefits, with the ultimate aim being to maximise the potential of land and produce high quality food in a sustainable way.
The Government will also report to Parliament on UK food security every three years, with the first report being published at the end of next year and analysing the impact COVID-19 has had on food supply.
Further details on the agricultural transition period are due to be published later this month.
Grace Reed