Sworders is delighted to be supporting the Queens Green Canopy. Nick Sandford has been asked to help promote the initiative in Norfolk, but we hope it will be popular with all our clients and contacts across the country.
If any one has planted any tree or will plant a tree this winter, it can be recorded as part of the QGC, just open the website and fill in a few brief details, take a picture and it is done! They are hoping to map all of the new trees planted to mark the Queens Platinum Jubliee as a mark of her legacy in years to come.
Nick said “ it s so simple, if I can manage the website…. anyone can! The great thing is any tree from one thorn whip in a hedge to a forest of oaks can be included, in gardens, street playgrounds, fields or village green, in fact anywhere!
There is no need for any sign or labels and there is NO public access requirement, the map is divided into 1 kilometre squares so no precise location is given. I bet most of us can find a space for 1 tree so let’s enjoy planting and show support for our remarkable monarch what it is more good for the environment, wildlife, carbon capture and for you.
Tag your trees #queensgreencanopy
Nick Sandford